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Reason and prevention of excessive consumption of lubricating oil in Suzhou

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Reason and prevention of excessive consumption of lubricating oil in Suzhou

Date of release:2017-12-09 Author: Click:

Whether motorcycle or car engine using oil lubrication, lubricating oil will have a phenomenon, the use of oil for some time, how much will be some loss, and some even appear excessive consumption, to be a large number of additional oil. Lube oil manufacturers remind everyone that there is a small amount of wear and tear during use of oil is normal, if the loss of large, you have to find the reason for parking, otherwise it will result in overheating engine weakness, power loss, lubrication is not normal or wear parts and other failures.

Resulting in excessive oil consumption, the main reason is that the piston and the cylinder gap is too large, or serious damage to the piston ring, lack of elasticity, piston ring end clearance, backlash, backlash is too large, the oil fleeing into the combustion chamber, or oil Shell leakage, poor sealing of the second half of the crankshaft, oil leakage, in addition, the use of poor operation and improper use of oil can also cause excessive oil loss, such as:

1, the engine speed is too high;

2, add too much oil, more than the upper limit, the oil is too high;

3, the use of improper use of oil, summer use of winter oil.

Lubricant manufacturers introduced, in order to avoid excessive oil consumption, in addition to the selection of qualified cylinders, pistons, piston rings and regular inspections, the need to do:

1, increase the amount of fuel required by the law, can not be too much or too little;

2, the use of single-stage oil in summer, multi-stage oil in winter;

3, when driving to prevent the engine working at high speed for a long time;

4, pay attention to check the engine surface of the joint leakage of oil phenomenon, if found to be immediately ruled out.

Through the text to explain the content, we can generally understand the cause of such excessive consumption of lubricants and specific operational precautions, Suzhou Lubricants hope that the contents of the text to help you, in the future operation of practice, can be specific Practical significance.

The address of this article:http://www.mzb6.com/en/news/351.html

Related labels:Suzhoulubricants

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